Week 1 – First Impressions

We have the materials for the first week. As expected, a fire hose effect, but that’s a factor of the newness and the desire to do it right. I’m going to do my best, but some of the honor tasks might not get done right. I’m going to do them one way or another, but it’s going to be strange.

At least blogging is comfortable for me. I was able to SIT last night before bed for the required 15 minutes. I was more still than in my previous meditation attempts, but I read a member’s blog from last year who had some troubles with it because of swallowing? Well, if I have to sit that still, I’m going to have some work to do, but last night was a beginning, and I know there’s much more to this journey.

I’m encountering resistance in the form of technology. My printer is giving me a hard time. All the color cartridges are replaced, but even though the drum has 13% life left, I suspect I will need to replace it, too. I have one. Not a problem. I’ll take care of it next time I go upstairs.

I like the idea of reading Scroll 1 three times a day for 30 days. My initial struggle is going to be reading aloud in the evenings for the next two weeks. We’ll be traveling, and I haven’t told my husband I’m doing this class yet. I see one of the requirements is we discuss this with our family, so I’m going to have to figure out a way to do that. In the past, he’s been quite negative about things similar to this class, but since one reason I’m taking the class is to get my Definiteness of Purpose (DMP) right, and he’s part of my DMP, I realize I was silly to think I could do the class and not discuss it with him.

That’s one strong resistance area for me, and that’s a part of my Old Blueprint I’m here to change. See, I’m quite fortunate that many of the reasons other people want this course are not a factor in my life. Money isn’t a problem. Material things are only a problem in that I have too many. I had a comfortable career and was able to retire at 47 — something I never imaged doing in my wildest of dreams until it became closer to reality. My husband and I can and do travel when and where we want. Our homes and vehicles are paid in full.

My relationships with other people are superficial, and I’ve withdrawn from most in person relationships, largely because I retired to a small town where we didn’t know anyone, and all my friends and family are at least 500 miles away. I’m not too concerned about that except where it affects my husband and my parents. Perhaps my siblings. My husband and I have been married 21 years (October 15), and we’ve known one another for 30 years. For the first 14 years of our marriage, we were geographically separated. Learning to live together for the last seven years has been one of the more challenging things I’ve ever done. I don’t think I’ve done a good job. My husband wants to keep me, and I want to keep him, so I need to learn to communicate better with him and be a better wife.

Additionally, I have some health issues that would be improved all the way around if I lost a significant amount of weight — almost half of me.

Finally, I want to write competent fiction to at least self-publish.

The one thing I’ve been passionate about these last five years or so is my cats. I’ve been doing a one person rescue and have eight indoor and four outdoor cats I take care of. I want to expand those passions to my husband, my health, and my fiction.

I’m obsessing a little about the scheduling challenges of Week 2, 3, and 5 for the course due to required travel, but I suspect, as someone says, taking it one day and week at a time, and things will work out.